Jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung
Jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

Sudah dibuat pelabuhan baru di daerah Tanjung Kelian, karena air lautnya lebih dalam.

jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

Sekarang cuma dipakai untuk mengangkut hasil bumi dan perikanan saja. pada zaman jayanya ribuan penumpang diangkut melalui pelabuhan ini setiap ada route pelayaran. Oleh karena itu, penumpang dan barang diangkut bolak balik dengan tongkang yang ditarik oeh motorboat. Karena lautmya dangkal maka kapal besar tidak bisa merapat. Di Mentok pelabuhan itu dikenal dengan sebutan Limbung, yang dibangun dan dikembangkan oleh Belanda lebih dari seratus tahun yang lalu. Pada zaman penjjajahan Belanda pelabuhan bagi pulau Bangka adalah di kota Mentok.


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jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung

Meriam ini juga pernah dipajang di halaman sebuah kantor pemerintah di Mentok Sejak kapan dan kemana meriam itu dipindahkan, tidak diketahui. Tetapi bagaimana kalau orang tahu bahwa dihaluan kapal itu terpasang sebuah meriam berkaliber lebih dari 10 cm? Dan katanya meriam itu pernah menembak pesawat terbang Jepang yang mendekat. Mendengar kapal itu berlayar dalam misi kemanusiaan, tentu orang menghujat atas pengebomannya. Cerita perawat itu juga, bahwa dia tidak berani bicara apa-apa menimbang akan keselamatan dirinya sendiri pada waktu itu. Sampai sekarang tidak ada kabar bagaimana nasib mereka sesudahnya. We can see the whole beaches in Muntok.ĭi dalam kapal Autralia itu memang terdapat petugas medis, yang menjadi menonjol adalah seorang perawat yang selamat dan dapat hidup sampai berumur 80 tahun, baru meninggal beberapa tahun yang lalu di negerinya sendiri Ausralia.ĭia pernah memberikan kesaksian bahwa ada sejumlah orang yang masih hidup diisi dalam sebuah perahu lalu didorong ke tengah laut. Take our time to climb up 199 steps to reach the top of the lighthouse and enjoy the spectacular view from the height of approximately 60 M above sea level. In the surrounding area we still can find wrecks of Dutch and British ships, which were torpedoed by Japanese warships during the Second World War, on 16 February 1942. It is located about 9 km of Muntok district. Families who come to bring a mat from home, young people are sitting on their bikes, those who love fishing or those who just cuddling with their love one are the one who always visit this beach. Every afternoon the white sandy beaches will always crowded by local people who enjoy the moment. Tanjung Kalian is already becomes the nearest and affordable destination in Muntok. To commemorate the victims of Bangka Massacre, it built a memorial monument on the beach, in front of the lighthouse. Only one nurse who survived the incident. A total of 22 people who survived the bombing were still killed. In February 1942, the Vyner Brooke ships that carried injured troops and 64 nurses in Australia from Singapore sunk by the Japanese Army. The beach is also a witness to the dark history of massacre tragedy (Banka Massacre) that occurred during World War II. Sukarno, being discarded and he liked to spend time atn this beach. The beach was also a part of history when Indonesia’s Founding Fathers, Ir. There are many Ketapang trees on the beach. Tanjung Kalian has white sandy beach and does not have huge granite boulders like most beaches in Bangka Belitung. Tanjung Kelian pier will replace the Piers Muntok as a place of arrival and departure for ferry crossing. Moreover, those who visit Tanjung Kalian can do sunbathing, swimming and playing at sea water, along the quiet and clean beach.įrom the window of the lighthouse, we can see the busy dock that doing their daily activity of Muntok-Palembang crossings, which is being built not far from the lighthouse. On Tanjung Kalian, we can also see the shipwrecks, former ship during World War II. On the inside, we can see our altitude by watching the palm trees far below. Whenever ignited is requires 20 liters of diesel, which can survive for 12 hours. This lamp has highlight strength to 40 miles away, with the power of 1,000 watts. According to the lighthouse guard, the lampshade that made of thick glass is still genuine since the first installation. This lighthouse is stand sturdy and has 117 stone circular staircases that contained of lighting devices which make the room feel cramped. Here, there is a tower or lighthouse that was built by the Dutch in 1862 and also becomes the main attraction at this place. This beach is located approximately 9 km from the city Muntok from Muntok city to the capital of Pangkal Pinang is about 138 KM. Tanjung Kalian is one of coastal area in Bangka. TANJUNG KALIAN LIGHT HOUSE by EDO RIZKIA PUTRA_SELEKSI PPAN BANGKA BELITUNG

Jadwal kapal pelni ke belitung